Tarlton Sponsors 30th Annual Bay Area Bike to Work Day
Menlo Park, Calif. - May 9, 2024: Tarlton Properties (Tarlton) is proud to announce that we are sponsoring the 30th annual Bay Area Bike to Work Day (BTWD) on Thursday, May 16, 2024. Part of National Bike Month, BTWD 2024 will feature “Energizer Stations” in all nine Bay Area counties ready to hand out commemorative bags, treats, and much more.
Tarlton is sponsoring two Energizer Stations in Menlo Park, which will be located at either end of O’Brien Drive - one at Willow and O’Brien, and the other at University and O’Brien – as well as one Energizer Station in Hayward, located at 30680 Huntwood Avenue. Each station will have healthy snacks, water, swag bags, and motivation!
Click here to see a map of all of the Bay Area Energizer Stations.
Bay Area BTWD began 30 years ago as a fun and healthy way to get to work, as well as an opportunity for those who don’t usually commute via bike to try it out. More than one million Bay Area residents live within five miles or less of their workplaces, an ideal distance for bicycling.
After 2020, as fewer people were biking to work during the pandemic, the event expanded into Bike to Wherever Days for the whole month of May, encouraging riders to choose their bicycle for more of their transportation needs. Now Bay Area Bike to Wherever Days together with Bike to Work Day reflect the new hybrid model of work and life going forward. During the month of May, no matter where you need to go, we encourage you to bike to run errands, visit friends and family, ride recreationally, and to commute to work or school.
At Tarlton, biking is in our DNA, and we're on a mission to get more people biking and fewer cars on the road. As part of this effort, we continue to expand our “Menlo Park Rides” initiative that provides tenants with shared bikes to use throughout the day and encourages our tenants to use eco-friendly commuting methods to get to work.
We look forward to seeing many of our friends, colleagues, and neighbors out on the road on May 16th!